Introduction to Solidity : Inheritance
Let’s take a look at inheritance and others concepts like polymorphism functions overriding and modifiers overriding.
All of my long-form thoughts on programming, my journey as an NFT collector and web3 enthusiast
Let’s take a look at inheritance and others concepts like polymorphism functions overriding and modifiers overriding.
In this post learn about events and how to listen to them
Discover the basics of constants, immutables state and functions
Learn about the fundamentals of Solidity and how visibility, getters, and function modifiers can help you build more robust smart contracts.
In this blog post, we will dive into Solidity expressions and control structures. We will explore how to make functions calls (internal and external ones), and how to use control structures like if statements and loops to control the flow of our programs.
In this blog post, we will explore two concepts in Solidity: units and globally available variables.
In this post we will learn about the operator and the conversion between types in Solidity.
Let's continue this series of articles about Solidity by learning about the reference and mapping types.
This is the second article of the series "Introduction to Solidity". In this article we will see the different value types of Solidity.
Learn how a smart contract is structured and the basics of the Solidity language
Let's see how to integrate Delegate Cash in your app to validate ownership before signing up your users
Like the title says in this blog we are going to discover Delegate Cash, what it is and how to use it.
Let's see how to create a open edition NFT, from the smart contract to the minting page.
Let's see how to create a minting page for your NFTs
Deploy your first NFT smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain.
Learn how to fetch nfts of wallet address with the help of the Alchemy Sdk
A presentation of NW3 (Next Web 3) the boilerplate to quickly build web3 application.
In this article we will see how to make your app token gated with next-auth and Alchemy Sdk.
Create a simple script that remove the background of an NFT image.
Let's see how manage authentication with Next-auth and Sign-in with Ethereum through Rainbowkit.
Let's see how to use Sign-in with Ethereum with Next-auth to authenticate users on your next.js website
An introduction to Sign-in with Ethereum, a new way to sign in to your favorite websites using your Ethereum wallet.
Discover how to handle Eth networks in your app, and check that user is connected to the right network.
Discover how to sign a message with your private key and verify it on server side.
Let's see how to get the balance of differents tokens of a wallet on client side and server side
Learn how to connect a wallet to a react app to be able to interact with the blockchain later
The introduction of a series of posts I will write during the month of February 2023