

It's been a while since I want to start writing on dev stuffs, web3 and NFT's. But I procrastinate trying to find the right way to start. What post to start with, finalising my website etc...

So to avoid this and to start writing, I decided to start to publish a post per day during the month of February. They will be short and simple, but the goal is to start writing and to keep going.

I will introduce myself quickly, so you can know who I am and what's my background. I'm tiby a french full-stack developer, I'm 30 years old and I'm working as freelancer during the day. I started in crypto in 2017, buying some BTC and ETH and working on a web2 project related to it for a customer. Since there I didn't really do much, until last 2021 / 2022 when I started to learn more about web3 and NFT's.

During this year I have bought many NFT's, worked on a web3 project and build two mini web2 app related to NFT's. That's why in the first posts I will talk about the basics to interact with smart contracts and NFT's from web2 app.

As I'm writing right now here's a list of the topics that come in my mind and wich I will start with :

  • Connect a wallet to a web2 app.
  • Get the eth and others token balances of a wallet.
  • Sign and check the signature of a message.
  • Handle differents networks in the same app.
  • List all nfts owned by a wallet.
  • Create a script that remove NFT background.
  • And more to come...

This page will also act as an index for the posts, so you can easily find them.

If you are on twitter you can follow me here : or bookmark this thread :